Do you like people?

My question for the day.

What are your thoughts on the human race?

  • Do i like people? Individually - yes, I find people fascinating both when observing and when interacting. Collectively - less so. 

    People offer perspective whether they are similar or different to us. As a collective mass is where I have more difficulty,  which I think is "society" rather than people per se.

    What I struggle with is needing interaction but getting over-peopled easily. 

  • Do i like people? Individually - yes, I find people fascinating both when observing and when interacting. Collectively - less so. 

    People offer perspective whether they are similar or different to us. As a collective mass is where I have more difficulty,  which I think is "society" rather than people per se.

    What I struggle with is needing interaction but getting over-peopled easily. 

  • I'm the same.  What you said about perspective is very true.  We can learn from people who are not like us.  Even if all we learn from them is....I'd hate to be like them!

  • Same with me. I regulate and know how much I can take in any 24 hours. I live alone and so it is easier. I like to study the people and enjoy some exchanges. I enjoy others most when we are doing something enjoyable together. Yesterday i went with friend Janet on an steep hike to a duck pond. The ducks were voracious and pushy! Janet was sweet and likes to just enjoy and abide, like I do. A perfect day. Now I'm good for a whole month till I see here again.

     aloha OOS