Did any of you feel as though you had an adult voice in your head as a child?

I did, it wasn't a voice coming from outside and talking to me, but an inner voice, it was like part of me was already grown up and would comment on things and people around me. It was something that kept me frorm making some mistakes, but also set me apart as "the sensible one". Being the sensible one often meant that any mistakes or just being a child were punnished more harshly than those who weren't expected to be sensible. I don't know how else to explain it, but it still pops up occaisionally, often when I'm in a crowd and people are playing silly head games, it shows me what the game is, so as I don't have to play it.

  • I can relate to this. I've always felt older than my years, and preferred the company of people older than me. As I've got older I've told myself that this ' internal 'voice' is my higher self or guide.

    Sometimes when having counselling type conversations with people who ask for my insight on their life issues. I honestly feel as though someone is 'channelled' through me when I reply. The voice is often wiser than myself. And I think to myself 'where did that come from ?' I feel so comfortable when this plays out. It feels like the 'real me'. 

  • I can relate to this. I've always felt older than my years, and preferred the company of people older than me. As I've got older I've told myself that this ' internal 'voice' is my higher self or guide.

    Sometimes when having counselling type conversations with people who ask for my insight on their life issues. I honestly feel as though someone is 'channelled' through me when I reply. The voice is often wiser than myself. And I think to myself 'where did that come from ?' I feel so comfortable when this plays out. It feels like the 'real me'. 

  • I often have that feeling of channelling too and this voice does seem wiser and I've thought of it as my higher self or soul self. Isn't having the wisdom of ages and the thoughts of a small child supposed to mean your nearer enlightenment or something?