Did any of you feel as though you had an adult voice in your head as a child?

I did, it wasn't a voice coming from outside and talking to me, but an inner voice, it was like part of me was already grown up and would comment on things and people around me. It was something that kept me frorm making some mistakes, but also set me apart as "the sensible one". Being the sensible one often meant that any mistakes or just being a child were punnished more harshly than those who weren't expected to be sensible. I don't know how else to explain it, but it still pops up occaisionally, often when I'm in a crowd and people are playing silly head games, it shows me what the game is, so as I don't have to play it.

  • Mine aged along with me till I got to about 60yrs old and then leveled off. I have 2 voices. One is a mummy (all to myself) the other is a councilor who helps me make decisions. I cherish them

  • I'm not sure about enlightenment. I've always kind of believed that I've been 'here' before -  in a previous lifetime. X

  • I often have that feeling of channelling too and this voice does seem wiser and I've thought of it as my higher self or soul self. Isn't having the wisdom of ages and the thoughts of a small child supposed to mean your nearer enlightenment or something?

  • I can relate to this. I've always felt older than my years, and preferred the company of people older than me. As I've got older I've told myself that this ' internal 'voice' is my higher self or guide.

    Sometimes when having counselling type conversations with people who ask for my insight on their life issues. I honestly feel as though someone is 'channelled' through me when I reply. The voice is often wiser than myself. And I think to myself 'where did that come from ?' I feel so comfortable when this plays out. It feels like the 'real me'. 

  • One of my nicknames at school was 'professor', I think that probably answers the question.

  • That sounds like an "Alter" which people who are repeatedly stressed as a child often form according to the MKULTRA CT..

    I would say "Alledgedly" but I have at least one of my own, that has stepped out of the shadows to tell me what to do (using my own voice but a much more Alpha version..) when things get really life threatening. 

    Oddly enough, it seems immune to the effects of large doses of Lysergic Acid. I remember when towards the end of my teenage years I tried taking an insane amount of morning Glory seeds, (Not illegal, and I'm sure not promoting dangerous behaviour with this!) resulting in an 18 hour period of unsanity, at it's peak when I got really, really quite frightened of things that were not actaully real I remember my alter emerging, and guiding me to a safer place and situation.. It's also intervened half way though a rock-climbing excercise (when I froze aganst the rockface in fear) and during an incident when I found myself lost and facing a rapidly forming storm in a tiny open cockit aeroplane, where it emerged and told me what to do in no uncertain terms.

  • I was an adult in my head from about 7 years of age (cannot remember much before that) I did not like being a child, and preferred the company of adults. The children at my school were like Duracell rabbits - running around the playground crazily laughing and being boisterous. At one point I wondered if I was the only real human child in school and they were all some sort of robots. Perhaps when they got home their batteries ran out and they just suddenly fell asleep?

  • I wonder if NT have it too? People are so afraid to talk about thier self talk for fear of being thought mad which is so wrong, I often thing our self talk is our most authentic voice.

    I had a similar thing about people making assumptions about me because of my height.

    I don't think for me its about rehearsing as it's often not concious until it speaks, its like this part of me is lurking in the back of my head waiting it's time to speak. If it is some kind of inner moral compass, then for me it dosen't work very well as like Cpt Jack Sparrow's it always points to what I want rather than what is right. If it's a voice of concience, then why does it do nothing, but sit back with its feet up and watch me make horrible choices just so as it can torture me about them later and at great length?

  • Yes when I was a child literally under 10 I would comment on politics my views on crime and punishment and you,d feel that all injustices should be put right.I have not changed in my 50 s

  • You have some great stuff to share, . I am so glad that you didn't leave.

  • Yes, it’s often a way of rehearsing and  problem solving , it’s just another thing neurotypical people find freaky because it’s different. I suppose it’s out of their norm. We didn’t have books in the house when I was a child , I was the kid who read the back of cereal packets to learn more.

  • Same here - I am not sure I have ever really judged people based upon their age - so people who are good company are selected on other grounds rather than because they are "my age".

  • I tended to pick on certain adults to talk to, one was my school care taker in Primary School, I would sit in his room and listen for hours, he had been in the war and just knew things that I could learn from. He was full of knowledge I could tap for free. He spoke to me like I was an adult. It was always a good place to get away from the bullies. He was a very solitary man, clever but happy being a caretaker, maybe I had found another autistic person, I have quite a knack for it.

  • I Experience same or similar. I was kinda more mature as a child but now I’m more childish as an adult. I also have such voice. 

  • talked to myself with lips moving, I’ve done this since childhood and still do.It’s always been an adult voice

    As a child this seemed to be helpful in the form of scripting, sat quietly playing with something unrelated to the script topic (as a kind of dress rehearsal so you feel better prepared for the scenario being rehearsed out loud to yourself in anticipation of something unfamiliar).

    My Mother used to tell me off for doing so (which I believe was a mistake - particularly, if I was minding my own business in my bedroom at the time!).

  • My inner guide was like this too. It would also repeat the 'rules' it had worked out about social interaction, what to say or not etc.

    I've never really understood people my own age, all my friends are older or younger by a generation at least.

  • 'You should know better!' Is something I suspect we've all suffered from at various times.

    Being an only child who only played with one other only child before school, I didn't know how to be with other kids and always felt like I was desperately trying to catch up with them, whilst at the same time wondering why they did this stuff and why I wanted to do it too.

    Oddly, now I'm an adult, I often prefer the company of small children, they talk so much sense and consider things properly before giving an answer. Most of the grown up seem the same as the children at school, incomprehensible being doing random stuff for incomprehensible reasons.

  • Makes complete sense to me.  Not a "voice" in the style of psychosis - more; your conscience or moral compass (yet, strangely wiser than your years).

    Add to that; as a child and teeny I was above average height for my age ... adults could sometimes unreasonably forget my actual age.

  • I don’t think I thought much about childish things when a child, I didn’t really play with toys, for some reason I always preferred the company of adults, I didn’t have anything in common with other children. I have an internal voice inside my head as i imagine most people do, I’ve always talked to myself with lips moving, I’ve done this since childhood and still do.It’s always been an adult voice, an explaining voice . I spent most of my childhood watching TV, a lot of the programs weren’t children’s programs.
    There was always the stick for misbehaving, you have just reminded me of the phrase used, “you should know better,” like I was older and wiser than my years.