Did any of you feel as though you had an adult voice in your head as a child?

I did, it wasn't a voice coming from outside and talking to me, but an inner voice, it was like part of me was already grown up and would comment on things and people around me. It was something that kept me frorm making some mistakes, but also set me apart as "the sensible one". Being the sensible one often meant that any mistakes or just being a child were punnished more harshly than those who weren't expected to be sensible. I don't know how else to explain it, but it still pops up occaisionally, often when I'm in a crowd and people are playing silly head games, it shows me what the game is, so as I don't have to play it.

  • That sounds like an "Alter" which people who are repeatedly stressed as a child often form according to the MKULTRA CT..

    I would say "Alledgedly" but I have at least one of my own, that has stepped out of the shadows to tell me what to do (using my own voice but a much more Alpha version..) when things get really life threatening. 

    Oddly enough, it seems immune to the effects of large doses of Lysergic Acid. I remember when towards the end of my teenage years I tried taking an insane amount of morning Glory seeds, (Not illegal, and I'm sure not promoting dangerous behaviour with this!) resulting in an 18 hour period of unsanity, at it's peak when I got really, really quite frightened of things that were not actaully real I remember my alter emerging, and guiding me to a safer place and situation.. It's also intervened half way though a rock-climbing excercise (when I froze aganst the rockface in fear) and during an incident when I found myself lost and facing a rapidly forming storm in a tiny open cockit aeroplane, where it emerged and told me what to do in no uncertain terms.

  • That sounds like an "Alter" which people who are repeatedly stressed as a child often form according to the MKULTRA CT..

    I would say "Alledgedly" but I have at least one of my own, that has stepped out of the shadows to tell me what to do (using my own voice but a much more Alpha version..) when things get really life threatening. 

    Oddly enough, it seems immune to the effects of large doses of Lysergic Acid. I remember when towards the end of my teenage years I tried taking an insane amount of morning Glory seeds, (Not illegal, and I'm sure not promoting dangerous behaviour with this!) resulting in an 18 hour period of unsanity, at it's peak when I got really, really quite frightened of things that were not actaully real I remember my alter emerging, and guiding me to a safer place and situation.. It's also intervened half way though a rock-climbing excercise (when I froze aganst the rockface in fear) and during an incident when I found myself lost and facing a rapidly forming storm in a tiny open cockit aeroplane, where it emerged and told me what to do in no uncertain terms.

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