I want to Be Boring Again

Dear All,

All my life i would say  above applies.I have some good friends although only one now.I like going for a coffee reading watching tv and my special interests.

I am kind and compassionate.Yet I move to the South West and I have had so much bother and been made out to be some low life criminal.

How can i stop non autistic and non mentally ill people making out what I am not and not allowing me to be boring yet eccentric.

Help Please

your thoughts 

  • This is difficult. But it can be done. Bare with me, It won't be easy and you wont feel confident at first. And it wont feel good, and you wont feel good about your situation, but with the neccessery steps. This can be accomplished.

  • Yes i rang my crisis line last night and they gave one gem of advice .They said just one day soon decide this is your boring chill out day and just ignore everything phone emails post.I may do this Saturday.

    Another good bit of advice I was following then stopped was to not look at emails in a cafe if i was chilling.It is murphys law whenI relax the nasty emails arrive.I am getting better at doing that.

    How r u do you achieve the boring day when nothing happens and you are stress free and what do you do on those days

  • To achieve a "boring" (yet beneficial) day;

    I have been known to put my mobile on airplane mode, make a packed lunch, fill a thermos flask of hot water for a mug of instant coffee, fill my water bottle, put everything into my backpack / rucksack.

    Check the weather forecast and take appropriate clothing for the weather.

    I travel somewhere nearby but beyond my home community (maximum 1 hour journey) and enjoy my picnic somewhere outdoors - such as a park in the chosen "outdoor day" location.

    The chances are: that people do not know anything about you in your selected "day trip picnic" and a walk exploring the location - pretty well anonymously.

    I take my mobile with me in case I need something - but it is on airplane mode unless I need something (therefore, I am not interrupted by email notifications and random unexpected calls / text messages arriving while I am giving myself the mini brain holiday (picnic and walk about).

    Maybe you could adapt the idea to something similar (but then tailored to your own interests). 

    It need not be something you do particularly frequently - just pick a day, plan a bit, budget for it, put a reminder in your calendar and give yourself something to look forward towards.

  • To achieve a "boring" (yet beneficial) day;

    I have been known to put my mobile on airplane mode, make a packed lunch, fill a thermos flask of hot water for a mug of instant coffee, fill my water bottle, put everything into my backpack / rucksack.

    Check the weather forecast and take appropriate clothing for the weather.

    I travel somewhere nearby but beyond my home community (maximum 1 hour journey) and enjoy my picnic somewhere outdoors - such as a park in the chosen "outdoor day" location.

    The chances are: that people do not know anything about you in your selected "day trip picnic" and a walk exploring the location - pretty well anonymously.

    I take my mobile with me in case I need something - but it is on airplane mode unless I need something (therefore, I am not interrupted by email notifications and random unexpected calls / text messages arriving while I am giving myself the mini brain holiday (picnic and walk about).

    Maybe you could adapt the idea to something similar (but then tailored to your own interests). 

    It need not be something you do particularly frequently - just pick a day, plan a bit, budget for it, put a reminder in your calendar and give yourself something to look forward towards.

  • I like that that is a superb idea.I may even just walk from my house and leave my phone here.what happens with me i cannot help myself if my phone is with me i look and the sure enough there is a horrible email break ruined it happens so often