Do you think you're capable to read people's face or reaction?

Hi all,

I'm new to this community and excited reading many stories in the community.

Recently I've been reading several articles about 'double empathy problems' and I've learnt about 'emotional empathy' which autistic people tend to be good at, that we can feel the same as other people (highly empathetic). But autistic people are not good at 'cognitive empathy' (the famous 'theory of mind' thing), where we're bad at cognitively prospecting people's emotions or thoughts.

I feel that this describes me exactly. I think I'm very empathetic (or sympathetic). I cry when I watch films or even trailers. I think I can tell when people get angry or uncomfortable when I'm with them (but I don't know why, but I can't do that with text only or voice only communication. I think I need face and body language to feel it). But I don't know at all how to fix it or approach it for them.

Now I'm curious about other people's experiences with this. I read several community chats here about empathy and what I thought was there're both people (who think themselves highly empathetic or not at all). 
Do you have any thoughts or stories?

Thank you.

  • I think I can read people's faces but because of the awful responses that I sometimes get thinking about it I probably can't Unamused.

    At work a little while back I was asking a colleague for support as my manager suggested I did and he was so aggressive verbally to me in front of my team. He said he didn't have time and was furious that I'd asked. 

    I sort of let it go. I have this way of sort of letting people bully me I spose you'd say.

    Been from years of this sort of thing happening to me I expect. 

    Not nice.

  • I think I can read people's faces but because of the awful responses that I sometimes get thinking about it I probably can't Unamused.

    At work a little while back I was asking a colleague for support as my manager suggested I did and he was so aggressive verbally to me in front of my team. He said he didn't have time and was furious that I'd asked. 

    I sort of let it go. I have this way of sort of letting people bully me I spose you'd say.

    Been from years of this sort of thing happening to me I expect. 

    Not nice.

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