Neurodivergent confusion?

Hi, this is my first post..

I have been informed that I have a high possibility of ADHD and autism, and in the last 5-6 weeks I have been going through the process of unmasking. This journey has been painstaking, confusing and just downright exhausting. I feel as if every basic task, visit, errands, even just sound of my busy household pushes me into a deep burnout/meltdown.

I guess I'm asking you lovely people how you managed 'stability' if that's the correct term to use

  Thank you in advance 

  • Yeh I managed stability with the use of meds and developing discipline with age and maturity. Just getting out there and experiencing things kills anxiety over time. Being in the house all the time feels good at the time but it does make things worse long term. I am quite outgoing and extroverted though. Crowds excite me I get that not many people on here feel the same way that’s fair enough. 

  • Yeh I managed stability with the use of meds and developing discipline with age and maturity. Just getting out there and experiencing things kills anxiety over time. Being in the house all the time feels good at the time but it does make things worse long term. I am quite outgoing and extroverted though. Crowds excite me I get that not many people on here feel the same way that’s fair enough. 

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