Neurodivergent confusion?

Hi, this is my first post..

I have been informed that I have a high possibility of ADHD and autism, and in the last 5-6 weeks I have been going through the process of unmasking. This journey has been painstaking, confusing and just downright exhausting. I feel as if every basic task, visit, errands, even just sound of my busy household pushes me into a deep burnout/meltdown.

I guess I'm asking you lovely people how you managed 'stability' if that's the correct term to use

  Thank you in advance 

  • This journey has been painstaking, confusing and just downright exhausting.

    Welcome to the site.

    I would suggest slowing down the pace you are unmasking as the impact seems severe.

    Many here have been going through their unmasking journey over the course of years in order to manage their own mental health so it may benefit you to change the pace to match the energy available for the challenge.

    Also remember that sudden changes in behavour tend to make other people nervous so going slowly is less likely to make you appear out of character and hence have people asking if you are OK.

    I feel as if every basic task, visit, errands, even just sound of my busy household pushes me into a deep burnout/meltdown.

    This does imply you are not preserving enough energy to function normally - my advice would be to put it on pause, take time and indulge in the things that let you recharge and then start again when you feel good enough to take another swing at it.

    There are some things you can do like wearing noise cancelling headphones to reduce the impact of noise etc - let us know where you are struggling and we can give you a few pointers if you wish.

  • This journey has been painstaking, confusing and just downright exhausting.

    Welcome to the site.

    I would suggest slowing down the pace you are unmasking as the impact seems severe.

    Many here have been going through their unmasking journey over the course of years in order to manage their own mental health so it may benefit you to change the pace to match the energy available for the challenge.

    Also remember that sudden changes in behavour tend to make other people nervous so going slowly is less likely to make you appear out of character and hence have people asking if you are OK.

    I feel as if every basic task, visit, errands, even just sound of my busy household pushes me into a deep burnout/meltdown.

    This does imply you are not preserving enough energy to function normally - my advice would be to put it on pause, take time and indulge in the things that let you recharge and then start again when you feel good enough to take another swing at it.

    There are some things you can do like wearing noise cancelling headphones to reduce the impact of noise etc - let us know where you are struggling and we can give you a few pointers if you wish.

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