Neurodivergent -v- Autistic

I will start by admitting I'm a bit grumpy as my brain is boiling in the heat (south of England heatwave).

Nevertheless, I am getting rather irritated by people talking about neurodiversity (neurodivergence) on threads without mentioning what the neurodivergence is.

I'm having to assume that they are talking about autism as it's an autism forum but it could be something else (see below).

I feel like this umbrella term becoming a substitute for each individual condition.

Does anyone else feel the same or should I take a cool shower?

  • It's difficult personally. I am definitely neurodiverse. I don't have the confidence to diagnose my "condition" with certainty. I am very probably autistic. How should I describe myself? I don't really know.

  • Same here! I strongly suspect I’m autistic and I’m happy that I have this possibility to join this forum without formal diagnosis, but I’m absolutely sure that I’m neurodivergent. My perception, attention to details, my stimming and tics and inability to fit in in a group leaves no doubts I’m not NT, meaning I’m ND. Now it’s a bit easier mostly with the help of this forum I’m more aware of my differences and I stopped trying to change myself into someone who I’m not, I changed my environment and take care of myself. I struggle with emotional regulation and sensory sensitivities which link together strongly for me. When I was younger I was sure that I’m inferior compared to other people because I was the loner and unable to understand the “secret language hidden behind words” - body language. Now I don’t care so much about being part of a peer group. That’s how it’s easier for me. But I’m mourning my youth that was supposed to be beautiful (everyone says that) but for me it was a nightmare and only quite recently I got the possible explanation, why it was what it was. 

  • I'm always amazed to see my experience reflected back at me in these forums, as I just did in your post. In my past working life, I was once described as being "aloof". The subtext was that I was separate because I considered myself to be superior. If anything, the opposite was nearer the truth: I felt I was defective. i guess I may still fall into that trap, when I volunteer my special viewpoint...

  • But here is a little problem- it’s in German

    Not a problem for me, as I'm bilingual. I'll check it out.

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