Are we all destined to be single forever?

Another depressing question I suppose. I'm just wondering if there are other humans (robots) like me out there.

  • Define "robot".....and then I can have a stab at trying to answer your questions (which appear twofold as itemised below, but presumably are linked by implication in your OP) for whatever my opinion might be worth to you.

    a) are we all destined to be single forever

    b) are other humans (robots) like me out there.

  • Define "robot".....and then I can have a stab at trying to answer your questions (which appear twofold as itemised below, but presumably are linked by implication in your OP) for whatever my opinion might be worth to you.

    a) are we all destined to be single forever

    b) are other humans (robots) like me out there.

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