How can I prevent mis-communication?

It’s such an annoying thing. Does anyone have any tips on how to communicate like a human?

  • Something I heard recently has been in my thoughts since:

    State your truth once (stop over-explaining).

    While I am thinking further on this topic I keep a.draft email to myself - where I build up more resources along the theme (to enable me to "park" and revisit those strategies - rather than ruminate or get over-anxious worrying about the whole thing.

    Below are a collection of my notes on this theme:

    State your truth once (stop over-explaining).

    Text Source: Autism From The Inside (YouTube video - Are you an over-explainer? The Real Reason You Keep Over Explaining Yourself (And How to Fix It!) ).

    State Your Truth Once!

    [My Notes Gathered From Multiple Sources]:

    Be true to yourself / state what is true for you or about you / live as your most authentic self / be real / learn to kindly, politely, but firmly state your truth / change the World; one response at a time / the honest and authentic expression of your needs, desires, creativity and boundaries / be honest and true (instead of people pleasing) / let go of caretaking for the feelings, judgments and perceptions of others while owning full responsibility for speaking your truth in an effective way / learn: real and practical skills to help you embody your worth and thrive / embody into your self-worth and finally be seen as you are / push the bounds of what it means to be worthy, whole and in your power / stand in your power with "true" humility, self love and integrity / BREAK THE NEED FOR OTHERS TO SEE YOU AS “GOOD,” “RIGHT” OR “NICE.” JUST BE HONEST. FIRST WITH YOURSELF, THEN WITH THE WORLD / aim for you feeling the "more ...." ]

    Think of a bell being hit once and left to ring; (delivering the message), as opposed to being hit multiple times: (that is just noise).


    What do you want?

    What are you trying to do in this situation?

    Top down instead of bottom up.

    What is the most important thing here?

    Say in one sentence; what it is that I want to communicate.

    Have in mind that it is a conversation.

    You don't need to share 100% of what you are thinking in the first blip of the conversation.

    Say a little bit and then wait for the other person to respond.

    Aim to get the other person included in the process.

    No place for over-sharing, over-explaining or over-delivering.

    Think: Stand up, speak out, sit down, and shut up.

    [Say, Pause, and Wait For An Answer]

  • Something I heard recently has been in my thoughts since:

    State your truth once (stop over-explaining).

    While I am thinking further on this topic I keep a.draft email to myself - where I build up more resources along the theme (to enable me to "park" and revisit those strategies - rather than ruminate or get over-anxious worrying about the whole thing.

    Below are a collection of my notes on this theme:

    State your truth once (stop over-explaining).

    Text Source: Autism From The Inside (YouTube video - Are you an over-explainer? The Real Reason You Keep Over Explaining Yourself (And How to Fix It!) ).

    State Your Truth Once!

    [My Notes Gathered From Multiple Sources]:

    Be true to yourself / state what is true for you or about you / live as your most authentic self / be real / learn to kindly, politely, but firmly state your truth / change the World; one response at a time / the honest and authentic expression of your needs, desires, creativity and boundaries / be honest and true (instead of people pleasing) / let go of caretaking for the feelings, judgments and perceptions of others while owning full responsibility for speaking your truth in an effective way / learn: real and practical skills to help you embody your worth and thrive / embody into your self-worth and finally be seen as you are / push the bounds of what it means to be worthy, whole and in your power / stand in your power with "true" humility, self love and integrity / BREAK THE NEED FOR OTHERS TO SEE YOU AS “GOOD,” “RIGHT” OR “NICE.” JUST BE HONEST. FIRST WITH YOURSELF, THEN WITH THE WORLD / aim for you feeling the "more ...." ]

    Think of a bell being hit once and left to ring; (delivering the message), as opposed to being hit multiple times: (that is just noise).


    What do you want?

    What are you trying to do in this situation?

    Top down instead of bottom up.

    What is the most important thing here?

    Say in one sentence; what it is that I want to communicate.

    Have in mind that it is a conversation.

    You don't need to share 100% of what you are thinking in the first blip of the conversation.

    Say a little bit and then wait for the other person to respond.

    Aim to get the other person included in the process.

    No place for over-sharing, over-explaining or over-delivering.

    Think: Stand up, speak out, sit down, and shut up.

    [Say, Pause, and Wait For An Answer]

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