How can I prevent mis-communication?

It’s such an annoying thing. Does anyone have any tips on how to communicate like a human?

  • A lot of communication issues arise when people assume they know how to interpret the other person's words. Assumptions come from how we are hard-wired, brought up, cultural groups, language expectation, humour, different vocabulary, local language use, and many other things.

    To assume that someone would mean the same thing that you do, would imply that they have walked the same journey through life and learned the same things you did.

    It is sometimes hard, and I am often a pain for it, but I ask many clarifying questions of the other person. If they mis-interpret my literal words, it will cause problems, as it has done many times. Once people understand I try to choose words carefully to mean something as specific as possible, they stop putting their spin on it.

    Understanding is the key, and that comes from not assuming, but asking.

  • You have a good way of looking at things Fiona.

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