How can I prevent mis-communication?

It’s such an annoying thing. Does anyone have any tips on how to communicate like a human?

  • Sometimes miscommunication arises as a result of being accompanied by misunderstanding on one or both sides of the conversation.  That doesn't mean progress cannot be made.

    It doesn't have to be about bad intentions by anyone or a lack of skill by someone (circumstance, context, the environment, conflicting priorities, anxiety, stress or exhaustion are just some examples of what may have played a contributing role too).

    Also, the good news is that often: if a miscommunication has happened; there is often an opportunity to remedy or rescue the situation (even if one or both of the people demonstrated a concerning or alarming strong emotion about the last conversation or correspondence at the time).

    First time around one or both sides may have got something unfortunately wrong - things just did not go the best way (it doesn't have to mean it will be the same way next time with the same person or with a different person).

    Maybe you could describe a "for instance" (albeit, somewhat anonymised)?

  • I think it’s mostly when taking things literally that I struggle with. It can cause mis-communication on my side as I don’t get what people always mean.

    And then the other way round, sometimes I won’t communicate things that I just assume are obvious. It’s hard! I find it can happen a lot at work. I hate it tbh. I know colleagues must hate me for it too.

  • I don't like having to explain the obvious either, nor do I like it when people assume that I need the obvious explained to me either.

    I think some people are just hard work to communicte with, like the people that finish your sentences for you or repeat the last word or two of everything you say. Or the people that ask a question, then don't give you time to answer it before jumpiing on to the next question, half a dozen or so questions down the line and everyones confused, but if they'd have shut up long enough to listen to the answer to the first question none of the confusion would be needed.

  • I don't like having to explain the obvious either, nor do I like it when people assume that I need the obvious explained to me either.

    I think some people are just hard work to communicte with, like the people that finish your sentences for you or repeat the last word or two of everything you say. Or the people that ask a question, then don't give you time to answer it before jumpiing on to the next question, half a dozen or so questions down the line and everyones confused, but if they'd have shut up long enough to listen to the answer to the first question none of the confusion would be needed.
