How can I prevent mis-communication?

It’s such an annoying thing. Does anyone have any tips on how to communicate like a human?

  • The "double empathy" problem is something we all face. It sounds extra tough for you, though, Jess. I gravitated towards jobs where I was left alone. I tip my hat to you for dealing with people all the time. I have miscommunication with my own wife. I can't imagine the pickles that I'd have with colleagues. (As usual with me, no advice, just empathy Pensive)

  • The "double empathy" problem is something we all face. It sounds extra tough for you, though, Jess. I gravitated towards jobs where I was left alone. I tip my hat to you for dealing with people all the time. I have miscommunication with my own wife. I can't imagine the pickles that I'd have with colleagues. (As usual with me, no advice, just empathy Pensive)
