Attending a concert

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any advice/ could share theyre experience going to wembely and concerts with either anxiety or autism. I'm going next Thursday to Taylor swift and have been looking forward to seeing Taylor for years. There's no way I'm not going but since buying the tickets my anxiety has gotten a lot worse. I struggle with levaing the house particularly without my mum and am going with a group friends who although are supportive want to que for a recent while and get a good spot/view. We have early entry and in the largest pit bit and I can get quite clastrobic. Aswell as hot in crowds which is a sensory issue. I also get very anxious when I don't have water on me and so the water situation is making me quite nervous. I'm a massive massive fan and have been obsessing over it for ages and really worried my anxiety is going to ruin it. Does anyone have any tips or experiences to make me feel more at ease. Plan on bringing earplugs, fans and sunflower lanyard but worried that isn't going to cut it: Thank you
  • Hi Rosie, I identify with a lot of what you have said so hopefully I can help. 

    really worried my anxiety is going to ruin it

    I used to do this with everything to the point where I ended up not wanting to go. I realised a few years ago that I am never going to be able to turn my anxiety off while I am at an event, even if it is one I am particularly looking forward to. So now I use a different approach. I accept that the anxiety will be there, I try not to fight it (as that will make it worse) and then I try to think of it as just background noise, like static on a radio, and know that I can enjoy myself even while it is there

    Also, anxiety building in advance of the event is totally ok and normal for us

    I am less useful about the crowds and things. Maybe having some calming pictures on your phone to look at if you get overwhelmed. Or maybe your friends could be understnading about not being right in the middle of the pit. 

    Oh and also, Taylor Swift is pretty awesome. 

  • That all sounds like good advice. I'd not considered that the anxiety beforehand was OK. But on reflection, I think you're right. In fact, I think it maybe is more than OK. Perhaps it's even necessary in some sense, as it's part of preparing, mentally and practically. I/we need to be as prepared in our minds as we can be. If we've had some of that anxiety and prepared before the event, perhaps the anxiety during the event is less likely to get out of hand. Perhaps... 

  • That all sounds like good advice. I'd not considered that the anxiety beforehand was OK. But on reflection, I think you're right. In fact, I think it maybe is more than OK. Perhaps it's even necessary in some sense, as it's part of preparing, mentally and practically. I/we need to be as prepared in our minds as we can be. If we've had some of that anxiety and prepared before the event, perhaps the anxiety during the event is less likely to get out of hand. Perhaps... 

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