Black and white thinking

I’m not quite sure how to word this, but does anyone else find it hard to have calm discussions with others due to seeing things as more black and white? I often feel really strongly about particular things and ignore the grey area and just get really defensive when someone seems to say anything slightly different to my own opinion. It takes me a while to understand and acknowledge different perspectives. After I’ve taken the (long) time to do so I can clearly see where they’re coming from and will maybe change my own view slightly as well, but it doesn’t necessarily get better the next time the topic comes up and I still react too strongly. 

  • I think people in the centre often assume they are more intelligent than people who are more hyperfocused and ideological.  I'm not sure whether there any facts or evidence to back this up.  I think often they are just less interested in issues. More interested in other things

  • Maybe people in the centre, don't understand strongly ideological thinking? I supose I'm in the centre a lot, I want to discuss and understand why people feel so strongly about things. People who do feel strongly about things often don't seem to be very good comunicators and get frustrated at being asked why they believe what they do. I've been asked why I need to understand things, I've been told that I think to much when I just need to accept that certain things are just right or wrong. I think for people who can't articulate they reasons for feeling a particular way, anybody questioning them is seen as intellectual. I used to work with someone like this and it was really frustrating for both of us, various things seemed to become taboo subjects when she was around, like council recycling collections.

  • It's best not to generalise about any large group of people. I was probably guilty of that in my post above.

    I think there is definitely a lack of understanding between those of different beliefs.  I think it's always existed and most probably always will exist.

    People will always have  very oppositional beliefs to some others also.

    Although it might be reassuring to think and hope that this may go away  and we can all unite ,I think that is incredibly unlikely.

    I suspect even before the onset of agriculture there were wars and human conflict.

  • It's best not to generalise about any large group of people. I was probably guilty of that in my post above.

    I think there is definitely a lack of understanding between those of different beliefs.  I think it's always existed and most probably always will exist.

    People will always have  very oppositional beliefs to some others also.

    Although it might be reassuring to think and hope that this may go away  and we can all unite ,I think that is incredibly unlikely.

    I suspect even before the onset of agriculture there were wars and human conflict.

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