Black and white thinking

I’m not quite sure how to word this, but does anyone else find it hard to have calm discussions with others due to seeing things as more black and white? I often feel really strongly about particular things and ignore the grey area and just get really defensive when someone seems to say anything slightly different to my own opinion. It takes me a while to understand and acknowledge different perspectives. After I’ve taken the (long) time to do so I can clearly see where they’re coming from and will maybe change my own view slightly as well, but it doesn’t necessarily get better the next time the topic comes up and I still react too strongly. 

  • Yes. Definitely. This has got worse now that I've got anxiety/depression. I can relate.

    So something that my counsellor taught me was - and I think this an excellent principle to hold to irrespective of whether you are on the spectrum or not: is to choose to remain intellectually curious. 

  • I'm definately intellectually curious about a great many things, I think an active mind is the best anti-aging device there is, although sometimes people don't like it when you ask questions of a question, but I find their annoyance curious too.

  • I'm definately intellectually curious about a great many things, I think an active mind is the best anti-aging device there is, although sometimes people don't like it when you ask questions of a question, but I find their annoyance curious too.

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