Unintentionally being horrible

I've recently started a new job. Previously I've been quiet when starting new jobs and wanted to change this however I think I'm getting on people's nerves and am doing things that are annoying/rude without meaning to. I get the impression that other people don't like me, but I don't know if I'm just paranoid. What do I do?

  • Have you come out as Autistic?  If not, it's not too late.  I started a new job 3 months ago and it was my first job post-diagnosis when I was completely out.  Almost every conversation started with my telling them I was autistic, and then the conversation went on with "sorry if I keep going on about being autistic, but sometimes I worry I might say or do things which are annoying and I wanted to get it out there early on to try and avoid it"

    By now, everyone knows and I think (hope) that everyone is on board with it.  I kind of hope as well that some people also enjoying talking to me as they know I'm just going to launch into the "big talk" and not waffle on about the weather or something in the news that they don't really care about.

    I think what I'm saying is be completely honest with people about Autism, some people will have questions, some people will be incredibly sympathetic and kind, and if they aren't positive - it'll b on them, not you.

  • Have you come out as Autistic?  If not, it's not too late.  I started a new job 3 months ago and it was my first job post-diagnosis when I was completely out.  Almost every conversation started with my telling them I was autistic, and then the conversation went on with "sorry if I keep going on about being autistic, but sometimes I worry I might say or do things which are annoying and I wanted to get it out there early on to try and avoid it"

    By now, everyone knows and I think (hope) that everyone is on board with it.  I kind of hope as well that some people also enjoying talking to me as they know I'm just going to launch into the "big talk" and not waffle on about the weather or something in the news that they don't really care about.

    I think what I'm saying is be completely honest with people about Autism, some people will have questions, some people will be incredibly sympathetic and kind, and if they aren't positive - it'll b on them, not you.

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