Unintentionally being horrible

I've recently started a new job. Previously I've been quiet when starting new jobs and wanted to change this however I think I'm getting on people's nerves and am doing things that are annoying/rude without meaning to. I get the impression that other people don't like me, but I don't know if I'm just paranoid. What do I do?

  • yeah thats normal. your new, your not part of their moulded in group yet, give it time thats all it needs.

    in my work place everyone speaks their own language so these foreigners they are very inclusive that they speak their own language to exclude you from the group so you dont feel included. very inclusive people we import lol

  • yeah thats normal. your new, your not part of their moulded in group yet, give it time thats all it needs.

    in my work place everyone speaks their own language so these foreigners they are very inclusive that they speak their own language to exclude you from the group so you dont feel included. very inclusive people we import lol

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