Unintentionally being horrible

I've recently started a new job. Previously I've been quiet when starting new jobs and wanted to change this however I think I'm getting on people's nerves and am doing things that are annoying/rude without meaning to. I get the impression that other people don't like me, but I don't know if I'm just paranoid. What do I do?

  • I think I'm getting on people's nerves and am doing things that are annoying/rude without meaning to. I

    I found the best thing to do is ask the people if what I am doing is annoying them then try to change my behaviours to adapt.

    It seems polite, considerate and effective.

    As the new person you are not part of the team yet so you may want to make some efforts to fit in - at least as far as your energy levels will allow. If you don't know how to do this then there are books to help, but you have to want to change your behaviour.

    Being yourself is clearly an option but that doesn't seem to be what you are asking for.

  • I think I'm getting on people's nerves and am doing things that are annoying/rude without meaning to. I

    I found the best thing to do is ask the people if what I am doing is annoying them then try to change my behaviours to adapt.

    It seems polite, considerate and effective.

    As the new person you are not part of the team yet so you may want to make some efforts to fit in - at least as far as your energy levels will allow. If you don't know how to do this then there are books to help, but you have to want to change your behaviour.

    Being yourself is clearly an option but that doesn't seem to be what you are asking for.

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