Living in the Twilight Zone

How would you describe autism. I think it should be called "twilight zone disorder." its like starts off nice and innocent,  the main protagonist is unsuspecting, then they realise they've fallen into a dark world and it always ends badly. Like a black cloud follows, them and curses them. Like a curse of a monkey paw or something. Yeah.

OF COURSE Y0.O cAn aLwAyS mAsK. Not that it will be convincing or anything, but you'll appear maybe a few percentage points less weird.

  • For me, it was great when I didn't realise I was different, then terrible because of how everyone treated me as a child/teenager, and then it was a little better, and now it's great again!

    For the longest time, I wondered what was wrong with me. Why people disliked me for things I didn't understand. Having learned about autism, I feel like things finally clicked for me. At university, I have met many autistic friends and many non-autistic people who accept me for who I am. I definitely still get people who treat me like a weirdo, but that's their problem, not mine!!!

    I make an effort to be friendly and kind to everyone I meet, and if they don't treat me the same, I don't speak to them!!! There are plenty of people who will like you for you, despite being "weird"! I'm weird too!

  • For me, it was great when I didn't realise I was different, then terrible because of how everyone treated me as a child/teenager, and then it was a little better, and now it's great again!

    For the longest time, I wondered what was wrong with me. Why people disliked me for things I didn't understand. Having learned about autism, I feel like things finally clicked for me. At university, I have met many autistic friends and many non-autistic people who accept me for who I am. I definitely still get people who treat me like a weirdo, but that's their problem, not mine!!!

    I make an effort to be friendly and kind to everyone I meet, and if they don't treat me the same, I don't speak to them!!! There are plenty of people who will like you for you, despite being "weird"! I'm weird too!

  • My first thought you must be a woman... Yeah, 22. A male in your situation might have a completely different take. Woman are generally treated better in society. Especially if they're pretty. You can be pretty woman and weird. Try being a nondescript male and weird. Its a totally different ball game.