Living in the Twilight Zone

How would you describe autism. I think it should be called "twilight zone disorder." its like starts off nice and innocent,  the main protagonist is unsuspecting, then they realise they've fallen into a dark world and it always ends badly. Like a black cloud follows, them and curses them. Like a curse of a monkey paw or something. Yeah.

OF COURSE Y0.O cAn aLwAyS mAsK. Not that it will be convincing or anything, but you'll appear maybe a few percentage points less weird.

Parents Reply Children
  • I was too straight-laced to do bad s**t; then.

    But, now, I'm more accepting of the behaviour of others.

  • We had an old abandoned house we used to go in to.  Abandoned houses remind me of this Rem video.

  • I never went that far. But me and my friend did try to operate a mans vehicle, at a golf course once, it was left unattended. When i was 12. He caught me in time though. It was a weird quad bike thing. Maybe it was for cuttin the grass , i have no idea, its so long ago.

    Loved to explore abandoned places, houses though. Always with the mischief.  opportunism + boredom = delinquency

  • I remember me and two pals were operating a crane on this building site once. Definitely the most dangerous thing I did as a teen. I'm making myself sound like a delinquent to the respectable folk on here now. haha

  • I never sniffed glue. I knew one kid in school art class who did. I thought that was kinda degenerate. Then i pretended to sniff glue as a joke. It did nothing for me. I didnt get it. Still don't. My only drug at the time was maybe...chocolate. Yeah, good ol days, year 5. hedgehopping??, oh yeah, I remember being out all night a gang of us, just clearing entire street. Fun days. In the UK.

  • Why am I not shocked! haha.  Me too mate. I was very mischievous.   Smoking, Hedgehopping, Sniffing glue. I can't believe I've just admitted the glue sniffing part. haha

  • I remember playing in the streets with freinds, football, climbing trees, vandalism, plying with toys, and watching cartoons. I was a little bit of a troublemaker.

  • I just conjured a memory of riding on the back of my mums pushbike in one of those chairs. I would have been aged about 3 or 4. The little girl next door would ride with us on her mums pushbike and we'd wave to each other.

    Just totally innocent and free from suffering. I also remember her knocking on my door on a snowy morning and us going out to have massive snow ball fight with all the kids from the street.  Just fun and innocence and everything was safe.