Calm, silent autistic me

Maybe I only one but I have things read to me many times about autistics doing this and that but not so often the quiet one

I am autistic moderate-severe but also have developmental language disorder and intellectual disability some kind but not that much

I never been shouting, having to do special things to others or so

Often I get asked if I drink, yes I do water and Coke and milk and orange juice but nothing else, then people where I live attack me ask me what alien am I

Also often people not knowing me ask about sex, I never ever had sex and not interested in it

Maybe because I have been raped by male caregivers in nursing home a while back but to be honest I never thought of sex in the thing where a man and women have sex, never ever

I never had a friend or someone to play with because I love play with Lego and my bead maze but my family made me hide who I am my entire life so I did

Yes I might be different than others my "fault list" is long I cannot read and struggle a lot to write lucky to have spell help and word control software and I use my AAC mostly but sometimes I talk a few easy words I know what they mean

As a child I only repeated what other said to me not knowing what it meant I knew my first word when I was 14 years old and that word was "hide" and at 14 my mental age was 4 at 20 my mental age was 7-8 and it has been since then

But still I can do amazing adult things perfectly, I am a very safe driver of cars never ever had a problem with that and I love my garden and grow plants from seed

But go shopping is extremely hard just as hard as dressing myself
I shop for things I had before same size and same colors and if not available I cannot see if packaging changed because I cannot read more than very easy words

Dressing myself takes 15 minutes in morning just put on pants and sweater, I do not like socks at home and never have them

Maybe this makes me the strange outside autistic boy I do not know

When it comes to friends I prefer female since no female has ever hurt me but many men have I have been hit by total strangers on the stress outside shops why I do not know and I have been raped by male staff in hospitals during nights and hit by them too so it is very hard for me with men sadly

Wonder how it would be life to be NT but at the same time I do not want to know because my life is my life and I think it is good for me

But at the moment I have severe kidney problems with both my kidneys that need surgery but I cannot afford it abroad and where I live the will not do it but refuse to tell why they do not want to do it so my time is limited they told me

Had PICA way beyond childhood now not much but it happens

Still I am here and okay anyway

Am I strange?

Here is my list:
Autistic moderate- severe
Developmental language disorder
Intellectual disorder
17q12 deletion syndrome
Partly incontinent
Kidney severe error
Love to play with and build Lego the best on earth
Love warm weather and warm water
Love to play with water and sand
Love my stuffed animals
Need a thing when I do not feel well or am tired but do not want tell here
Am very calm, quiet

Am I okay anyway?

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