Newly diagnosed at 33 years old today.

Hi all,

So after a 4 hour-ish test I finally received the diagnosis. My mum was with me and throughout was telling me that I wasn't autistic, just eccentric etc. but I knew I was. I have known there was something different to me my entire life.  Then they said yes and she was genuinely surprised by it. Apparently I just shut down and seemed ready to move on as soon as I heard. Like my body language etc just changed. 

I got home and I literally fell asleep for 3 hours, my mind hurt.

So now I am at the start of navigating this all. I am lucky that with my partner I don't really have to 'mask' , as soon as I met him I told him I was autistic just not officially diagnosed. But right now I really need him to just lie on top of me with his full body weight, I feel as though I am defragmenting and need to be pulled back together.

I am aware I'm rambling, so I am just wondering wth do I even do to begin this new 'process', I don't want to have to mask anymore. I just kind of need a concise step by step guide on what I need to do to navigate this 'new' though really bloody old reality. 

Any advise would be appreciated.

  • Congratulations! I'm a lot older but just recently diagnosed. I hope that the diagnosis gives your mum some motivation to get to know you better. I don't know how my mum would have reacted if she was alive.

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  • Congratulations! I'm a lot older but just recently diagnosed. I hope that the diagnosis gives your mum some motivation to get to know you better. I don't know how my mum would have reacted if she was alive.

    If you decide to stick around on this board, then please consider giving yourself an icon and username (it won't remove this post)

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