So how long does this "acceptance" sh*t take then? 4 months into my 'diagnosed' state (48yo), and I'm not feeling a whole heap of acceptance. I am still feeling quite bitter and resentful. Everything I see around me in life and at work seems to have been, and continues to be, designed with a slightly different species in mind.

I have started reading this forum more often, even though I'm scared of keep seeing my reflection in these threads, and am following some overtly divergent contributors on Facebook. I was skeptical that at my age, with my history, that I could somehow find 'inner peace' (I mean, really - what the hell is that even supposed to mean?), but at the moment I'm heading in the opposite direction. Those long-cherished hopes of finding the right therapy, the right antidepressant to 'sort me out' seem absurd. 

I recall seeing a quite old entry on here where a user refers to feeling much better about the state of things 4 years in. FOUR YEARS? (yes, I am shouting). I don't think I can maintain even the current crumbling facade for another 3+ years. Especially now I recognize the effort I am putting in, and the energy this costs me.

  • Forget "acceptance" you'll never get it. Try "servitude" instead.

    Because, when my Autistic Army is fully formed and operational we will MAKE THEM SERVE US!!!

    Nothing else will do. 

  • Forget "acceptance" you'll never get it. Try "servitude" instead.

    Because, when my Autistic Army is fully formed and operational we will MAKE THEM SERVE US!!!

    Nothing else will do. 

  • Acceptance of the self not seeking from others, if you do that you're on a hiding to nothing, I think people are drawn to those who accept themselves, you have to be careful though as there are 'a lot of assholes looking for a human being to attach themselves to'

    Servents are a pain in the bum, it ends up easier and quicker to do things myself rather than have to explain the minutae of what I want done and how I want it done to people that don't have two brain cells to bang together.