Twin flames


Because I'm so attracted to a guy 'he feels like home", it's made me wonder if he's my twin flame.

But I'm not even sure if this is a real thing.

I'd be interested to know your thoughts. X

  • Yep, IMO, feeling like someone is “home” can be super intense and special. I’ve been there too. A while back, I met someone who just felt so familiar, like we’d known each other forever. I started wondering if we might be something like twin flames. To get a bit of clarity, I tried out the Twin Flame Calculator online, and it was a fun way to get some perspective. I don’t know if it’s a definitive answer, but it gave me some food for thought.

  • I'd forgotten about this post. And it's reminded me that this may indeed be what i am experiencing. It's given me new hope, thank you. 

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