Twin flames


Because I'm so attracted to a guy 'he feels like home", it's made me wonder if he's my twin flame.

But I'm not even sure if this is a real thing.

I'd be interested to know your thoughts. X

  • But I'm not even sure if this is a real thing

    How would you describe the term? That would give us a bit more to work from as I suspect it can be interprited in different ways.

  • I would describe it as a feeling of deep connection. It's beyond the physical. And it feels like i've had a relationship with him in a previous life. 

  • It's beyond the physical. And it feels like i've had a relationship with him in a previous life. 

    In spite of being educated as a scientist and working my whole life with material or mechanical things, I still keep an open mind to these things as there has been too much anecdotal evidence shown for me to dismiss it out of hand.

    With this in mind I can think about it 2 ways:

    1 - Thinking about it logically and rationally I would say this is a mental construct you have created to try to make more of the situation than it really is. It is understandable that you want it to be special so your mind provides its own supporting "logic" to explain it to you.

    2 - Thinking about it more spiritually, it could be this or a connection so special that it defies conventional labelling.

    Either way it is special to you so why worry, just make the most of it and enjoy the fact it is there.

  • Thank you for this Iain Blush

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