autistic adult needing sensory processing "OT"

I was diagnosed privately with autism as an adult. The doctor recommended a occupational therapist in sensory processing said I should be able to see one or apply for funding from my local icb.

I've applied for funding and got turned down because most people with autism have sensory needs.

I was referred to the local learning disability services that might not be severe enough .

I was also sent to the main Sheffield adult autistic service they also recommended an ot sensory processing I was on a waiting list for two years the person who does this has left and i it's not something that they offer non longer

Every time I get an issue regarding my autism I am sent to the mental health clinic locally to me. They don't have an occupational therapist in sensory processing and they don't offer it I'm stuck. I haven't got the money to pay for it privately.

There is a local organisation but it's not occupational therapy, it's just general information about being autistic. 

I contacted my local MP he says what the NHS can offer is limited because it's lacking money. 

My local council has started doing an all-age autism strategy an occupational therapist but sensory processing isn't included.

I don't know where to turn or what to do.

I also have other health issues also awaiting ADHD diagnosis. 

  • hello

    I am not a great reader i have dyskexia and reading age of 9 year old so books not great and meaning and context is something i struggle with greatly. my school was more bother about writing in right hand that it was about spelling and grammer.

    I do amazon audio books but very hard to find obscure books that arent  main stream. i am in part going to help my self by purches a dog that is trained and not puppy age. i do know how to feed a dog i stalk the family pets and they are my only true friends. had dog and cats since a younge age. i was told by mental health worker stroke a fur pillow you can tell the difference.

    I did ask mental health i get shrugged off and told its to be expected. also asked my why i needed to know about autism. power is knowledge better understanding of my self. as every time issue with me send to mental health its not a mental health problem. there is a group parent and carer forum its naff in truth there use of power point isnt great which annoys me, as i can use that. you are shoved in a dark, cold room to over crammed info on powerpoint semimar very unprofessinal in delivery and these are paid staff. alot of it just you tube videos i can do at home.

  • The doctor recommended a occupational therapist in sensory processing

    It seems a common experience now for services for adult autists to be cut back time and again due to lack of budgets.

    I think you will have to work on it yourself in the end - unless you can afford to send yourself on the course, and even then you don't know if it will give the results you hope for.

    There is a good list of books on the subject although most seemed aimed at kids:

    If you can get any of these through your local library then it will give you somewhere to start to understand what is involved and you can decide if you want to dig deeper.

    What things are causing you to look for help with this? We are pretty good at helping with more specific questions here as plenty share the same traits.