Friends, Isolated, Alone

Hi all

So I'm 44  and I have zero friends! I have a few aquitances but nobody I would call a friend. 

I'm really troubled by this, I have a partner and children but I feel this lack of friends very profoundly 

My partner has friends and I often get hurt feelings when they go out, it's not that I don't want them to do it's just a reminder and a painful one that I don't have that in my life, I literally feel sick every time they do 

I feel it physically and mentally, it really weighs on me. 

I don't know what to do about it, I have tried joining various groups but I always feel out of place and unwanted 

I'm sick of no one calling me and being alone and isolated (my partner and me don't stay together) , I'm sick of never being invited to anything, I just want someone out with my partner to give a damm. 

It's really affecting my mental health and I don't know what to do. 


  • I am the same. Not a single friend. Have a partner and children. But totally and utterly isolated. This is a good place to start to realise that you aren’t on your own. I am in the process still of trying to connect. Just say ‘hi’ and you will be amazed at how many people on here will say ‘hi’ back. 

  • I am the same. Not a single friend. Have a partner and children. But totally and utterly isolated. This is a good place to start to realise that you aren’t on your own. I am in the process still of trying to connect. Just say ‘hi’ and you will be amazed at how many people on here will say ‘hi’ back. 
