Old Life

So for 4+ years I've been making the transition to accepting my dianosis. I've changed my lifestyle a lot so I'm no longer sick from stress, I work remotely which has been a massive reason for my rRoflewed health which had seen me have Roflcrohns disease for over a decade.

But now I'm in a position where I am able to admit my limitations from ASC actually do stop me from doing the work I used to do. I can't travel in public transport, I have to drive, and I can't adhere to a full-time role, I work freelance so I can take days off as and when I need them. It works.

But my work has dried up and I now need to get back out there to ensure I don't starve or become homeless.

How do I continue on when my old life no longer fits my new self? I feel trapped in no man's land. Does anyone else share this issue? What did you do to resolve it?

  • Thanks for comments guys, I can't handle responding to each individual message.

    Like your thinking Number, as always. I think riding the wave may be my only option ATM but time will tell. The fact that AI is here and appears to be steadily changing my industry beyond recognition very soon means I'm going to have to flex and move with it. However, age also plays a factor as design is famously VERY ageist and I'm at the golden middle age now where I'm highly skilled and experienced and therefore expensive and should either take a leadership position (no thanks!) or change career. A ridiculous query of the industry!

    I have a few clients, one I'm hoping will stay loyal as they have done previously, but again, time will tell.

    I've saved up a little so if the worst happens I can survive a couple of months at least so that is my reassurance right now.

    Thanks guys Fist

  • Thanks for comments guys, I can't handle responding to each individual message.

    Like your thinking Number, as always. I think riding the wave may be my only option ATM but time will tell. The fact that AI is here and appears to be steadily changing my industry beyond recognition very soon means I'm going to have to flex and move with it. However, age also plays a factor as design is famously VERY ageist and I'm at the golden middle age now where I'm highly skilled and experienced and therefore expensive and should either take a leadership position (no thanks!) or change career. A ridiculous query of the industry!

    I have a few clients, one I'm hoping will stay loyal as they have done previously, but again, time will tell.

    I've saved up a little so if the worst happens I can survive a couple of months at least so that is my reassurance right now.

    Thanks guys Fist

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