Old Life

So for 4+ years I've been making the transition to accepting my dianosis. I've changed my lifestyle a lot so I'm no longer sick from stress, I work remotely which has been a massive reason for my rRoflewed health which had seen me have Roflcrohns disease for over a decade.

But now I'm in a position where I am able to admit my limitations from ASC actually do stop me from doing the work I used to do. I can't travel in public transport, I have to drive, and I can't adhere to a full-time role, I work freelance so I can take days off as and when I need them. It works.

But my work has dried up and I now need to get back out there to ensure I don't starve or become homeless.

How do I continue on when my old life no longer fits my new self? I feel trapped in no man's land. Does anyone else share this issue? What did you do to resolve it?

  • Dear JT,

    It is tough out there at the moment.  The self employed and under-employed are often the canaries in the coal mine.  The fiscal realities of this country are becoming glaringly (and ever  increasingly) obvious for all people who necessarily have their eyes wide open.

    Those who can/will/do work, will find themselves needing to be increasingly flexible in their approach to earning.

    Rest assured, it is not just you reaching this realisation that "change is upon us all."

    I recommend keeping one's head....do not panic....but keep your eyes open and stay light on your feet.  Do not assume that there is a panacea in a different place nor via a different methodology for ensuring a roof and food is present for you/us all.

    If you have useful skills and capabilities, (and can keep yourself sane,) there is every chance that you will be fine.......it's just going to be a harder slog for a while.  Buckle up.

    In solidarity,


  • Dear JT,

    It is tough out there at the moment.  The self employed and under-employed are often the canaries in the coal mine.  The fiscal realities of this country are becoming glaringly (and ever  increasingly) obvious for all people who necessarily have their eyes wide open.

    Those who can/will/do work, will find themselves needing to be increasingly flexible in their approach to earning.

    Rest assured, it is not just you reaching this realisation that "change is upon us all."

    I recommend keeping one's head....do not panic....but keep your eyes open and stay light on your feet.  Do not assume that there is a panacea in a different place nor via a different methodology for ensuring a roof and food is present for you/us all.

    If you have useful skills and capabilities, (and can keep yourself sane,) there is every chance that you will be fine.......it's just going to be a harder slog for a while.  Buckle up.

    In solidarity,


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