Dropping out of school to escape bullies.

When I was in secondary school I got picked on quite alot because of my inability to communicate with others consistently. They would call me “The kid who doesn’t talk”. They’d always harass me in class and it’d hurt my feelings and distract me from getting any work done. I hated school already because of how it’s forced upon you like a prison, and they made it much much worse. I eventually couldn’t handle it and I started to bunk off school. But that wasn’t enough. At the start of year 11, after summer. I couldn’t face going in. I went to a special part of the school instead for less a lesser amount of schooltime. But I got harassed in the exact same way by other kids who clearly had much more minor problems. On December I ditched school completely. That was almost 10 years ago. Because of that situation I haven’t got a job or any kind of future. My parents provide for me, I just live with them and my younger siblings. I don’t really want to get a job, and I don’t really want to live somewhere else. But I feel like I should. Not for my own sake, but for my family’s sake. It’s time I grow up, but I don’t really know how. That’s what brings me here. Does anyone here know how I can get a job with zero qualifications or experience in anything at all? If not, then thanks for atleast taking the time to read my little story here.

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