Dropping out of school to escape bullies.

When I was in secondary school I got picked on quite alot because of my inability to communicate with others consistently. They would call me “The kid who doesn’t talk”. They’d always harass me in class and it’d hurt my feelings and distract me from getting any work done. I hated school already because of how it’s forced upon you like a prison, and they made it much much worse. I eventually couldn’t handle it and I started to bunk off school. But that wasn’t enough. At the start of year 11, after summer. I couldn’t face going in. I went to a special part of the school instead for less a lesser amount of schooltime. But I got harassed in the exact same way by other kids who clearly had much more minor problems. On December I ditched school completely. That was almost 10 years ago. Because of that situation I haven’t got a job or any kind of future. My parents provide for me, I just live with them and my younger siblings. I don’t really want to get a job, and I don’t really want to live somewhere else. But I feel like I should. Not for my own sake, but for my family’s sake. It’s time I grow up, but I don’t really know how. That’s what brings me here. Does anyone here know how I can get a job with zero qualifications or experience in anything at all? If not, then thanks for atleast taking the time to read my little story here.

  • Does anyone here know how I can get a job with zero qualifications or experience in anything at all?

    I have a few questions to help target suggestions here:

    Most entry level jobs are likely to require manual work so are you reasonably fit?

    What are your special interests?

    Are you willing and able to self study for any qualifications? It may not be school stuff but these can be vocational qualifications and you can self study for them.

    Do you drive? If so, do you have access to a moped, motorbike or car?

    What are your main restrictions as a result of your autism? Social interactions a problem, light sensitivity etc?

    Do you live in a village, town or city? This will dictate what sort of size of businesses and opportunities are present.

    I'm sure we can come up with a bunch of ideas.

  • Hi and welcome!

    One useful option might be talking to a work coach at your nearest Jobcentre:

    Getting help

    Your local Jobcentre can help you find a job or gain new skills and tell you about disability-friendly employers in your area.

    They can also refer you to a specialist work psychologist, if appropriate, or carry out an ‘employment assessment’, asking you about:

    - your skills and experience
    - what kind of roles you’re interested in

    Ask the work coach at your local Jobcentre.

    Programmes and grants

    Your work coach can tell you about programmes and grants to help you back into work. These include:

    - Access to Work - money towards a support worker or for the cost of equipment or travelling to work
    - Work and Health Programme - to help you find and keep a job

    More info:

    Gov: https://www.gov.uk/looking-for-work-if-disabled
    Gov: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/disability-confident-employers-that-have-signed-up

    NAS: Employment support