The Big Things and The Little Things Stress Me

Can anyone relate to the above.basically my life is a nightmare at the moment which I have shared Police neighbours Council issues useless Dad Etc.That is my worts stress, however I can get stressed and anxious about the following.This is not my complete list would probably  get to 100 so will name 10-

1- Broadband at Home playing Up.

2- Mobile Phone not receiving calls.

3-Very wet weather will it cause flooding.

4 High Winds will house get damaged.

5- World events will there be a major war.

6 -My football club has a lot of injuries.

7- Will taxes go too high.

8- Will the stock market crash.

9-My cat does not come it at the time I expect ad i catastraphise.

10- The car radio settings get changed.

Would love to hear from you and let me know a way to not sweat the small stuff.

  • Hi. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and can really relate to the things on your list. I have found that reading books about Autism has helped me understand and move towards accepting anxiety. I also manage my Autistic needs which I hope will reduce my anxiety. 

    I also have found supportive counselling has helped. I didn't find CBT has helped me long term, though I understand CBT with an autisim slant can be helpful in some people.

    I also find that when I am in autistic burnout, that my anxiety becomes much more of a problem and I wonder if this might be the case for you related to all the Big Things going on for you.

    Take care

  • Hi. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and can really relate to the things on your list. I have found that reading books about Autism has helped me understand and move towards accepting anxiety. I also manage my Autistic needs which I hope will reduce my anxiety. 

    I also have found supportive counselling has helped. I didn't find CBT has helped me long term, though I understand CBT with an autisim slant can be helpful in some people.

    I also find that when I am in autistic burnout, that my anxiety becomes much more of a problem and I wonder if this might be the case for you related to all the Big Things going on for you.

    Take care
