The Big Things and The Little Things Stress Me

Can anyone relate to the above.basically my life is a nightmare at the moment which I have shared Police neighbours Council issues useless Dad Etc.That is my worts stress, however I can get stressed and anxious about the following.This is not my complete list would probably  get to 100 so will name 10-

1- Broadband at Home playing Up.

2- Mobile Phone not receiving calls.

3-Very wet weather will it cause flooding.

4 High Winds will house get damaged.

5- World events will there be a major war.

6 -My football club has a lot of injuries.

7- Will taxes go too high.

8- Will the stock market crash.

9-My cat does not come it at the time I expect ad i catastraphise.

10- The car radio settings get changed.

Would love to hear from you and let me know a way to not sweat the small stuff.

  • Hi I hope you haven not get the dreaded C I wish you well if so.Driving irritates me if I cannot park or if I am under pressure time wise

  • It's always the straw that breaks the Camel's back; for me. I feel like I could handle cancer like a Trooper. However, driving at busy times freak me out.

  • Hi there I am actually ok with having the right providers and I am money savvy as that used to be my job but I am a worrier.Your tips re the house are useful thanks and yes the cats do treat me like a servant i even have to open the door for them when they have a cat flap!

  • Hi  Iain mindfulness has never been my bag however I agree about self fixing somethings  i am amazing and learn how to do and great satisfaction.Thanks for your lovely message

  • I definately have burn out thanks for your kind words.I have a fantastic GP and Psychiatrist and i am sure when my big matters resolve I can't start too dry less about the small things.

  • Good call sometimes I worry if I am not worrying!

  • Remember that your cat is an adult, cats don't have owners they have staff.

    Do perventative maintainance on your house, check the roof for any tiles that may have slipped, make sure your chimney is secure and the bricks arn't cracked and don't need repointing. Make sure gutters are clear and properly secured to the walls. Make sure your drains are clear of rubbish.

    You can do stuff to make your house more flood resilient with the way you plant and what you plant.

    Do a check to see which mobie and internet services do best in you area, a dumb phone might get better signal than a smart one if you live in an area with poor signal and coverage. I lived in a place that was on the edge of 3 different providers ranges and had no phone signal for 8 years and really slow internet speeds too. Go to the physical shops to get a phone and internet pakage if thats what you need, someone working in store is far more likely to be local and familiar with local problems and can recomend the best one for you and your area.

    Can you program you car radio so as you press a button and it automically goes to your prefered station?

    The rest you can't really do anything about, if it's your personal money then keep it in a wide range of accounts so as if one fails all is not lost.

  • I get it. I worry all the time. It's hard but I have to force myself to try to think constructively and not to overthink things which may not happen. If I catch myself worrying, I know that I need to give myself a little time to think it through logically and then move on to something that may be more fruitful for me, if possible.

  • Hi. I have a lot of problems with anxiety and can really relate to the things on your list. I have found that reading books about Autism has helped me understand and move towards accepting anxiety. I also manage my Autistic needs which I hope will reduce my anxiety. 

    I also have found supportive counselling has helped. I didn't find CBT has helped me long term, though I understand CBT with an autisim slant can be helpful in some people.

    I also find that when I am in autistic burnout, that my anxiety becomes much more of a problem and I wonder if this might be the case for you related to all the Big Things going on for you.

    Take care

  • Would love to hear from you and let me know a way to not sweat the small stuff.

    The one thing I could recommend is learning mindfulness.

    It helps you put things in context so you stop worrying about the stuff that is outside of your ontrol (3 to 8 on your list), and teaches you to find ways to influence the things that are inside your control. For example

    1 - keep chasing your broadand provider until they fix it. You can't do anything about it until then so try to enjoy being offline for a while.

    2 - check if other mobile phones have the same issue at your home. Maybe check a different provider (O2 and Vodafone for example) to see if it is an issue from one provder) and it it is just because you are in a low service area then get a signal booster for your boradband router.

    9 - add an Airtag or similar tracking device to your cats collar so you can track them. It is about as much as you can do with these willful creatures.

    10 - Read the manual and work out how to set them the way you want them to be. Sorted.

    I would recommend at least learning about it as it can be a tremendously powerful tool to have in your skillset.