Is it normal to get grief from your parents when you're not working?

Even though it has, at points, been physically taxing to the point I've had no choice but to stop. Or not search at all because there's something else going on for whatever reason.

They also don't consider freelance contracts to be a "real job", so by that definition I haven't worked a day in my life over the last 9 years since leaving full time education.

I applied for a paid shadowing programme and was invited to a workshop. I didn't get it so it feels very much "back at square one" as it sounded like the perfect opportunity.

I've done so much cold emailing and applying to no avail - I know it becomes a full time job in itself. My aim is to spend the next week digging into contacts I have instead.

  • HMO, if your parents think you are fit enough to work, then it is normal to get concern from them unless you perhaps are from a low income family who have been on the benefit system and don't have much goals for their children. I don't  know your background but recall some posts where I think you mentioned that your parents were immigrants. If  this the case I say to that this can be at times an added burden on some as the parents left their country of origin for a better life and they can be more  aspirational for their children. Most though I think want their children to be able to provide for themselves in life and be working.

  • HMO, if your parents think you are fit enough to work, then it is normal to get concern from them unless you perhaps are from a low income family who have been on the benefit system and don't have much goals for their children. I don't  know your background but recall some posts where I think you mentioned that your parents were immigrants. If  this the case I say to that this can be at times an added burden on some as the parents left their country of origin for a better life and they can be more  aspirational for their children. Most though I think want their children to be able to provide for themselves in life and be working.

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