On Site Censorship

Does anyone else get caught out by writing names or common expressions and then find that they've been automaitically censored? I've had this happen a couple of times and I find it really annoying that I can't use a name or phrase without it being censored, it seems like there's no context to the censorship, just a blanket ban, are we not grown ups who can sort this stuff out for ourselves? I think this site is to nannying at times and yet seems to allow other things to slip through unnoticed.

  • I just got a blocked word on the wildlife thread, I was listing birds I have in my garden and mentioned a small blue one that has a similar name to mamary organs. This gone beyond ridiculous now and into the down right patronising and stupid, it's stopping our ability to discuss legitimate and harmless subjects such as garden birds, this is real censorship, not something that someone who goes round with a face like a cats backside, looking for things to be offended about could object too.

  • Yes......but it is so very easy to overcome the "patronising and stupid" "real censorship"......that I don't think we need to try and reinvent the wheel to overcome it.  Blue t i t s. 

Reply Children
  • You say "infested", I prefer "enhanced".

  • ABSOLUTELY - I can completely identify with that !!!

  • I'm the one who would be shouting that we're about to crash, whilst everyone ignores me and either pretends I don't exist or get cross at me, there are times when I feel like the Trojan Princes and prophtess Cassandra, always seeing the future but no one believes me until it's to late then they all blame me for not telling them or doing something about it.

  • I hear you and I do understand.  For me, it is the reverse case.....I can't become too bothered by the arrangement of the deck chairs, when I know the ship is travelling way too fast in iceberg infested waters.

  • Number, some things I can let go of and gloss over, but others I find instantly infuriating. Larger idiocies I find easier to deal with than the lesser every day ones. Maybe because the larger ones are right in view on the horrizon if not sailing up to us like the iceburg at the Titanic. These smaller ones give me sore toes and knees, from constantly tripping over them as they bob along just under the surface.

  • I've not seen it. I vaguely remember it looked somewhat unpleasant and featured Sharon Stone and a dam building mammal with no hair, If I recall correctly someone makes a very coarse rabbit stew.

    Although I could be mixing up several films. 

  • You evoke "Fatal Attraction" to my mind.  It is not a nice film, in my opinion.

  • Dear TheCatWoman,

    Rest assured, that I am pretty incandescent with rage inside, most of the time, due to the idiocies (as I see and experience them), both in people, institutions and the world at large.

    Unlike most, however, I seem to adopt a path of pragmatism and tolerance.  This isn't especially for some kind of Buddha-like wish to try and forge a community of "love and peace for all" (although that would certainly be nice!)....but more because my understanding is that yelling, stressing and fighting a fight that cannot be won (at this juncture, within the existing world context) is;

    a) folly

    b) bad for my health

    c) likely to hasten the demise of a fractious and unstable population*

    [*whether that be the population here on this forum, or in the UK, or in Europe - or the entire globe.]

    We are on very unsafe ground - as humans - with our current propensity to scream at each other.....without listening to each other.

    I would like more people to think about WHY everyone is now prone to "remote aggression."  If we get to the bottom of that question (I think it is pretty obvious, myself) - and then tackle the cause.....then there MIGHT be some hope for the next couple of decades?!

    Assuring you that none of the above is targeted at you personally, nor anyone else,


  • It is Number, but I forget when I'm mid type, we may not need to reinvent the wheel to overcoome this, but we do need to reintroduce some sanity to these things. What next will an algorhythum somewhere notice that ornithologists are refering to mammary organs instead of t-i-t-s and ban that as well? Will we be left with any words we can use or will all our questions and replies have to be moderated through computer generated responses?

    I sperg, I think we should have  the British Tub Thumpers Union, for all of us who become outraged by absurdities!

  • The pot is boiling nicely, time to low key introduce "The British Unity Society".

    (A real alternative to "Party" politics).