On Site Censorship

Does anyone else get caught out by writing names or common expressions and then find that they've been automaitically censored? I've had this happen a couple of times and I find it really annoying that I can't use a name or phrase without it being censored, it seems like there's no context to the censorship, just a blanket ban, are we not grown ups who can sort this stuff out for ourselves? I think this site is to nannying at times and yet seems to allow other things to slip through unnoticed.

  • This is commonplace on pretty much every digital medium nowadays. It sucks

  • I wouldn't know I only use here and yes it does suck. Autists get infantalised enough in general life I don't think we need it here too.

  • I wonder how many of the moderators and managers are themselves neurodivergent? This whole chat board is patronising - e.g. not allowing posters to use their real names or personal information, random censorship, not just of "dubious" words.  I have had a few posts "botted" which have been then been accepted, unedited, on appeal, and I can't see what their rejection criteria are. The moderators' motto seems to be " never explain, never apologise " 

    In one post that was "botted" I advised against the misuse of non-prescription street drugs to treat mental health conditions - the original post tacitly supporting self-medication with controlled (illegal) substances was allowed to stand.  I am sure the thought police - sorry, moderators and their cyber-bots - mean well, but as you say, it is infantilising.

  • Yep, that's how it goes.

    You wait and see what happens when you actually upset the more malignant posters, just loads of them black signs!

    I finally tried it out myself last momth and anyone can just flag an account for spam/abuse without having to give any reason, whcih gives the poor mods a little conundrum to solve every time I upset someone, and if I upset a group, suddenly they really get to do some unravelling!

    You the "defendent" do have to give suplememntal info, so each comaplint makes a lot of minor work for two people and the complaint enjoys complete anonymity. I can understand the police acting like that as complaints in their world can easily lead to "snitches get stitches" but here we are already anonymised I.D.'s and I think teh recipient f a comlaint and particualrly a series of failed complainst ought to to have the rightt to know and respond to their accusers here in the open. 

    Maybe in a separte section that the gentler, less combative people can easily avoid... 

  • "Your appeal ... has been accepted."   No explanation. No apology. Thank you.

Reply Children
  • Yep, that's how it goes.

    You wait and see what happens when you actually upset the more malignant posters, just loads of them black signs!

    I finally tried it out myself last momth and anyone can just flag an account for spam/abuse without having to give any reason, whcih gives the poor mods a little conundrum to solve every time I upset someone, and if I upset a group, suddenly they really get to do some unravelling!

    You the "defendent" do have to give suplememntal info, so each comaplint makes a lot of minor work for two people and the complaint enjoys complete anonymity. I can understand the police acting like that as complaints in their world can easily lead to "snitches get stitches" but here we are already anonymised I.D.'s and I think teh recipient f a comlaint and particualrly a series of failed complainst ought to to have the rightt to know and respond to their accusers here in the open. 

    Maybe in a separte section that the gentler, less combative people can easily avoid...