Feeling annoyed

I don't have children and don't want them. Does anyone else find children playing outside annoying. The shouting, ball bouncing and general noise. I'm very sensitive to noise and loud unexpected noise especially. I know they will grow out of it eventually but another set of kids could move in around me and then it would start all over again. Does anyone have any tips for trying to stay calm and not let it bother you 

  • Do you have any sensory headphones you can wear to avoid overload?

    I feel for you with this. I'm lucky, I live in a rural area on a farm so don't have to put up with the sounds of children shouting and screaming, and dogs barking but when I visit my sister I do then as she lives on a busy estate next to a park. Whenever I visit her I take my sensory headphones and this has been a big help to me, I no longer have meltdowns from the sensory overload. 

    You could also try listening to music or watching something? The sound will make the sounds from outside less intense and noticeable, should make it easier for you. 

    I hope you're ok and can find ways to make it more tolerable.

  • Do you have any sensory headphones you can wear to avoid overload?

    I feel for you with this. I'm lucky, I live in a rural area on a farm so don't have to put up with the sounds of children shouting and screaming, and dogs barking but when I visit my sister I do then as she lives on a busy estate next to a park. Whenever I visit her I take my sensory headphones and this has been a big help to me, I no longer have meltdowns from the sensory overload. 

    You could also try listening to music or watching something? The sound will make the sounds from outside less intense and noticeable, should make it easier for you. 

    I hope you're ok and can find ways to make it more tolerable.

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