Had a falling out with a close friend

Hi me and one of my friends we haven’t been getting on at all I’ve tried everything but nothing works. I have now been blocked on WhatsApp and on her mobile. I’m fed up of all the arguing I told her this. She would message me and we be ok but when I try to ask her to meet me she refuses. I’m having a house warming party when I move back into my parents old house having some friends over bbq in the garden I really want her there and she threw it back in my face. I told her earlier what’s the point of being friends if I can’t meet up with you anymore then she blocks me. This has really upset me we both on the spectrum and we used to be good friends but now this has happened. By the way as you guessed by the pronouns it’s not my friend Rikki me and him are getting on much much better but now it’s my other friend I’m not getting on with. It seems like I’m getting on with one close friend but I argue with another close friend like I can’t have two close friends at the same time. I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing with my female friend but I told her I don’t want to argue anymore i just want to see her in person and if she can’t accept that then there no point in being friends. At least with me and Rikki we would argue we have our time outs from one another a few days later I’m over his having pizza. That hasn’t happened in ages we have our tiffs me and him but we get on better but I’ve lost my female friend now and it’s not like I’ll be having pizza over hers in a few days or anything. I just hope one day we will meet again. 

  • it may be you will. It may also be that you won't. But, it is certain that when it comes to friends there is always going to changes and we evolve as we go along. When one is ready for these changes and the other is not there will be, at best, confusion, at worst, trauma.

    None of this is, per se, personal and (not sure how old you) is, instead, something natural you will discover as you go along. I would say give everybody time and let everyone off the hook and love them for who they are right now and/or the memory of them. We all change and go to places in our heads that others cannot follow us to.

    Let your friend be and honor her need for a break and get on with your life. She may return to your life on her own if she's left to process on her own. I, know for myself, this is how I need to process. Entreaties from others to engage only delay my process and annoy.

  • it may be you will. It may also be that you won't. But, it is certain that when it comes to friends there is always going to changes and we evolve as we go along. When one is ready for these changes and the other is not there will be, at best, confusion, at worst, trauma.

    None of this is, per se, personal and (not sure how old you) is, instead, something natural you will discover as you go along. I would say give everybody time and let everyone off the hook and love them for who they are right now and/or the memory of them. We all change and go to places in our heads that others cannot follow us to.

    Let your friend be and honor her need for a break and get on with your life. She may return to your life on her own if she's left to process on her own. I, know for myself, this is how I need to process. Entreaties from others to engage only delay my process and annoy.

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