The Police

Dear All,

The above is not the pop band but our law enforcement.I have thought long and hard about posting about this issue but have decided to take the plunge.I needed to share somewhere I feel safe and can have some advice from like minded people and some understanding.

I have basically had trouble with the Police for around the last 2 years.Initially I went to them for help with my neighbours who were causing me a lot of problems.In our Road myself and my Sister who live together are very different.This has lead to in my view some horrendous experiences.

The Police have not helped and in fact any suggestion to de escalate and bring in Mediation suggested by me probably 50 times has been ignored or not put to the other side.

I am finding it too painful to relive all my experiences but I am gentle kind and not violent.The issues are all about spoken experiences with the residents that I have found negative.

When I am ready I will share some of this but the long and the short is I have been arrested twice now and had numerous Bail attendance and questioning and I am awaiting the CPS now for their decision.I also have a waring rom my Council who work with the Police.and I feel very scared overwhelmed and out of my depth.I have never been in trouble with the Police or Council and am in my 50s.All parties are aware I am Autistic have OCD and Anxiety.

Has anyone else had issues with the Police or Council they want to share or is there any advice you can give me.

Thanks for letting me share

  • I got advice, about the police, Oh yes. 

    Avoid them. They never make things better for you, if you haev problems and often make thngs considerably worse.

    Unless you are one of the protected classes, or positively involved with freemasonry. (I've read up on it and it's some weird cult at the top and a seemingly benign social club at the bottom. A semmingly benign social club where nevertheless it's members swear a blood curdling oath of secrecy & loyalty whilst blidfolded and obblivious of the (actual) sword bieng pointed at their chest!! ) 

    I'm so glad most of our chief officers are (alledgedly) members of that, at least we know where their loyalties lie....

  • I once knew someone who worked for the police, who had been actively encouraged to become a freemason by his father (a former policeman who had also been a freemason), as this would apparently greatly improve his chances of a promotion. The person refused, stating that if he got a promotion, he wanted it to be on his own merits, and not because the freemasons had given him a leg up and pulled a few strings.

    On the topic of freemasons, my dad inherited a masonic ring from his father. To the best of our knowledge, my grandad had never been a freemason. For years, my dad wore the ring because he liked the design and considered it unusual. However, he eventually stopped wearing it because he found himself getting accosted by men who (understandably) thought he was a freemason and would question him about the ring.

  • I once knew someone who worked for the police, who had been actively encouraged to become a freemason by his father (a former policeman who had also been a freemason), as this would apparently greatly improve his chances of a promotion. The person refused, stating that if he got a promotion, he wanted it to be on his own merits, and not because the freemasons had given him a leg up and pulled a few strings.

    On the topic of freemasons, my dad inherited a masonic ring from his father. To the best of our knowledge, my grandad had never been a freemason. For years, my dad wore the ring because he liked the design and considered it unusual. However, he eventually stopped wearing it because he found himself getting accosted by men who (understandably) thought he was a freemason and would question him about the ring.
