The Police

Dear All,

The above is not the pop band but our law enforcement.I have thought long and hard about posting about this issue but have decided to take the plunge.I needed to share somewhere I feel safe and can have some advice from like minded people and some understanding.

I have basically had trouble with the Police for around the last 2 years.Initially I went to them for help with my neighbours who were causing me a lot of problems.In our Road myself and my Sister who live together are very different.This has lead to in my view some horrendous experiences.

The Police have not helped and in fact any suggestion to de escalate and bring in Mediation suggested by me probably 50 times has been ignored or not put to the other side.

I am finding it too painful to relive all my experiences but I am gentle kind and not violent.The issues are all about spoken experiences with the residents that I have found negative.

When I am ready I will share some of this but the long and the short is I have been arrested twice now and had numerous Bail attendance and questioning and I am awaiting the CPS now for their decision.I also have a waring rom my Council who work with the Police.and I feel very scared overwhelmed and out of my depth.I have never been in trouble with the Police or Council and am in my 50s.All parties are aware I am Autistic have OCD and Anxiety.

Has anyone else had issues with the Police or Council they want to share or is there any advice you can give me.

Thanks for letting me share

  • I got advice, about the police, Oh yes. 

    Avoid them. They never make things better for you, if you haev problems and often make thngs considerably worse.

    Unless you are one of the protected classes, or positively involved with freemasonry. (I've read up on it and it's some weird cult at the top and a seemingly benign social club at the bottom. A semmingly benign social club where nevertheless it's members swear a blood curdling oath of secrecy & loyalty whilst blidfolded and obblivious of the (actual) sword bieng pointed at their chest!! ) 

    I'm so glad most of our chief officers are (alledgedly) members of that, at least we know where their loyalties lie....

  • Hi I have heard of the Free Mason theory and Friends in high places who knows .I think the issue is the Police just are not trained on neuro diversity and think it is just we are backward and slow learners

Reply Children
  • Hi there no I am 100% innocent and i owe it to our community to get this verdict there is no violence or threats on my side I am a gentle man.What my lawyer has said is that i am expected to engage the same as no neuro divergent people.I am obsessional my OCD and I need clear communication.To give you a small example our household have been driven mad by trip lights being deliberately overused when we ask reasonably we get ignored or shouted at.I have had many a sleepless night with all this trouble there is  lloads more to say it is a mob and it is not fair and I must for myself and other Autistic people get the shut down

  • Since you are already de-facto in trouble with the plod, and I assume you don't want to try and lie your way out of it, I'd write yourself down a sequence of events that got you to this place.

    You might then consider sharing it with the rest of us, because if you ARE technically guilty of a stautory offence, then your legal strategy is likely to be one of mitigation and aoplogy, rather than the preferred "4Q 4Q 4Q, Bring it on, Muddy funsters" .

    Don't dig yourself a deeper hole IF you've taken a rash action. Not saying you have, but you deffo ought to be sure that you have not.

  • Great advice and you reassured me after my arrest that was a s massive *** up I went back a week later and when questioned i answered everything and did the polite asking back.

    It did work however they still have got the CPS to charge me it is a long story you may get it all pout of me one dy just feel raw and upset .Rest assured I am going to plead not guilty and fly the Autism flag as they have no clue about our community and in fact have treated me worse than someone non autistic

  • The threatened not only to send the fire brigade, but to give me the bill too! 

    Eventually, after a lot of discourse. (If you start out by threatening me, you get a LOT of discourse for your money) seeing I wasn't going to roll over easily, they left me and my fire alone.

    NEVER argue with the police as such, but DO ask them LOTS of questions.

    Anything, what you ask doesn't really matter, the point is that it is the MASTER who asks the questions, and YOU are the master (they are your public servants they just need reminding sometimes) and a fluirry of innocent questions will restore that conversational balance..

    Works every time for me. They soon sod off, and look for "easier meat". Try and be intelligent wth your questions, it doesn't hurt to have them wondeinrg "why am I being asked this?" or "who is this person?".

    I love watching them go from "in my face", to "wary" after the first couple of questions...

    But you got to ask them nciely, and keep a pleasant dispositon. 

  • surely they should have sent the fire brigade if they were concerned !

    Did they leave you alone ?

  • Only three?? You weren't trying!!

    Last time they came for me over my bonfire makng too much smoke, there were SIX of them!!  

    And yeah, some of them do like the power... 

  • this does not surprise me I the most gentle no history of violence was arrested by 3 officers bringing up 3 cars then putting me in the back of the van.I was terrified and have PTSD now whenever I see the Police.

    They have even said to me that they can arrest me where they want when they want.I am terrified if I am on holiday they would nick me.Then my sensible Lawyer said if they rang another force to ask this to happen for something this trivial the other force would answer with second word off!

    That cheered me up.I think these PCs like having power rather than doing their job

  • Well it IS a secret society, so who indeed knows? 

    I found as a young motorcylist in the seventies (my first real interactions with the police) that my stance, way of drawing breath, and what I said (or how I said it) seemed to be automatically "offensive". 

    When I grrew up enough to be a victim of crime (burglaries mainly) I also found the police not much use to me and liable to make things worse, and the business with my narrowboat was the last straw really. 

    I was "compliant" for years, as far as the police go, but now I treat them as an organisation with zero respect, I Put THEM to the question, if I need to interact with them officially, but make every effort to be nice, reasonable, and pleasant to the actual person underneath the costume, because some of them, do have some humanity left in there despite the culture. 

    It takes a special sort of MAN to be a local policeman working a local beat like they used to do, and you still meet those sort of people in the police, but I think we found we hand insuffient of those to run the police the "Dixon of dock green" way any longer.

    We have ONE designated "local copper" and he really does NOT have "the right stuff". In conversation even I can get his voice to raise in pitch and start issuing threats just by looking at him funny whilst I talk. 

    Here's a good example of how interacting with the police works for me:

    I hear a motorcycle with a nice exhaust being ridden very sensibly coming up the road at 3 this morning whist I am sitting at my computer, which suddenly changes abruptly to the sound of a motrocycle and vehicle collisiion, unusually with no change in teh engine note, such that I know the crash was unexpected, so I went out to offer assistance. Long story short the car had actually rammed the motrocylist before the occupants fled, and he was hiding in the hedge and hurting and scared, so I took him hme to sit dwn, my O/H phoned the police and ambo and I made him a cup of tea. When teh plod arrived I went back to teh scnce to secure his ignition key and tell them that I had him in my house. the two coppers were asking quetions but when I stepped up to say, "I have the rider in my house" all the nearst plod could do was bark orders at me to stay back". They were so unintersted in CO-OPERATING rather than issuing orders and demands, that I ws unable to get noticed trying to provide the answer to the question they kept asking! Fortunately the rider had followed me out of the house so I left them all to it.