About benefits

I am worried about the new government stopping my benefits and I don’t like change much also I’m worried about them changing pip to vouchers anyone else felt worried about this?

Parents Reply Children
  • Try not to worry.

    They looked into changing it to vouchers and using a catalogue in 2017 and found that it would cost much more than it would save....bureaucracy.

    A lot of the voting public are on benefits of one sort or another, including PIP, or know someone who is.

    There is no guarantee, however I think this government will try and improve the lives of people with challenges.  By this, I mean that they will look to work with us.  To improve things.  So be prepared to meet them halfway, rather than running in the opposite direction, which is all we wanted to do from the last government because they were constantly attacking us.

    Give them a chance?

    Then, if things do get rocky, there will be help.  There will always be places you can turn to who will help you.  Phone MIND up to get additional info on this.  Any changes will not be brought in over night.  Whatever happens is going to take some time.  So focus on staying as well as you can, not letting things that might happen upset you.  Try and do the things that you enjoy, and that you know keep you as ok as possible.

    Count your spoons.  Make yourself a blackout room.  Take breaks.  Find a short meditation that works for you. etc.

    Also, sort your finances out as much as you can.  So you know what least you can live on, should you need to.

    Like a 01234 scale.  How would you cope in each band?  

    Whatever happens, trust that you will get through it.  You're strong.

    Good luck.  You're not alone.