I'm not ready for dating

I deleted my dating app account when I realised I am not ready to bear another person's baggage and issues, nor put mine on them.  

  • I am not ready to bear another person's baggage and issues, nor put mine on them.

    It helps to set boundaries about what you are willing to accept and make sure any prospective partner knows these in the early part of a relationship.

    When you think about it, you probably have a lot of baggage too as a result of your neurodivergence - your traits plus habits you developed and of course the traumas from life growing up with your condition.

    Setting some rules in the relationship also helps - a monthly "check-in" where you can talk about the things that you dislike or like about your partner in a non threatening way can prevent a lot of issues growing and festering.

    Relationships take work and co-operation so I would recommend finding a partner who is on board with the idea, then you can risk it.

    There is something to be said for the raw energy of a fiery, no rules sort of hook up - maybe just a few dates, lots of sparks, crazy experimental sex etc, but keep in your own mind that this is not the foundation of a long term relationship. Just enjoy the fun of the moment and remember it fondly when you go your separate ways.

    It won't be for everyone but I found these to be truly memorable without the strings of a relationship attached.

  • There is something to be said for the raw energy of a fiery, no rules sort of hook up - maybe just a few dates, lots of sparks, crazy experimental sex

    I'm not sure I even would want to ever hook up or have sex.  I don't feel those impulses.

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