I believe everyone is bisexual what does everyone else think

Hi really want to talk about this and get other people’s opinions really. I genuinely believe that everyone is bisexual I am I know that but I see myself as a hetro romantic. I will admit that I find women attractive and think I would like a bit of that but when it comes down to dating I date men I can’t see myself getting together with a woman. I also know this person who swears that he is gay I knew straight away he wasn’t it was a cover up. I caught him once sending women flirty messages on his phone but I never called him up on it as it’s his business and not mine. As a woman on the spectrum I don’t know really I’m just curious as to what everyone else thinks. Like I said I find women sexual attractive but I would date a man rather than a woman. Please feel free to share your opinions on this topic. I mean no offence to this post I’m just curious really is it just me that thinks this or does anyone else. 

  • An interesting post.

    I always thought I was heterosexual because for me that was the only option presented to me at that time.  To be anything else was frowned upon.  It's only recently after deep reflection that I know it's always been the opposite for me.  I've been in heterosexual relationships to please other people and was so frightened in my own mind to admit even to myself the love I'd had over the years for friends.  I've never been intimately involved with a woman so can't comment on how I'll feel about that until it happens.  All I know is that my attractions have always been about pleasing the other person but it's never felt "right."  Who knows if a woman will feel "right" either but I feel that there are much more attractive women than men.  To me that says something.  I do also think attractions can change as hormones do and I am much more attracted to the person and vibe of that person than the way they look which's why online dating is tough.....   It's a complicated subject for me to discuss because I'm going through a questioning period after many years pleasing everyone else but me..... I'm scared that if I meet a woman and form a relationship with them that I won't want that either.  I can imagine kissing men or women but the next steps with men make me feel ill and pressured and with a woman it's unknown but a lovely thought. :-)

  • An interesting post.

    I always thought I was heterosexual because for me that was the only option presented to me at that time.  To be anything else was frowned upon.  It's only recently after deep reflection that I know it's always been the opposite for me.  I've been in heterosexual relationships to please other people and was so frightened in my own mind to admit even to myself the love I'd had over the years for friends.  I've never been intimately involved with a woman so can't comment on how I'll feel about that until it happens.  All I know is that my attractions have always been about pleasing the other person but it's never felt "right."  Who knows if a woman will feel "right" either but I feel that there are much more attractive women than men.  To me that says something.  I do also think attractions can change as hormones do and I am much more attracted to the person and vibe of that person than the way they look which's why online dating is tough.....   It's a complicated subject for me to discuss because I'm going through a questioning period after many years pleasing everyone else but me..... I'm scared that if I meet a woman and form a relationship with them that I won't want that either.  I can imagine kissing men or women but the next steps with men make me feel ill and pressured and with a woman it's unknown but a lovely thought. :-)

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