I believe everyone is bisexual what does everyone else think

Hi really want to talk about this and get other people’s opinions really. I genuinely believe that everyone is bisexual I am I know that but I see myself as a hetro romantic. I will admit that I find women attractive and think I would like a bit of that but when it comes down to dating I date men I can’t see myself getting together with a woman. I also know this person who swears that he is gay I knew straight away he wasn’t it was a cover up. I caught him once sending women flirty messages on his phone but I never called him up on it as it’s his business and not mine. As a woman on the spectrum I don’t know really I’m just curious as to what everyone else thinks. Like I said I find women sexual attractive but I would date a man rather than a woman. Please feel free to share your opinions on this topic. I mean no offence to this post I’m just curious really is it just me that thinks this or does anyone else. 

  • I think it is a line that goes from full hetero to full gay with everything in between.

    I first fell head over heels in love when I was 6 (obviously not a sexual thing), again when I was 10, and again when I was 14. All to the same sex.

    All my partners have been of the same sex and I was strongly attracted to them all. I've never had confusing feelings with the other sex.

    I think that it is good these days that people can explore more without stigma.

    I love Fern Brady's take on her bisexuality - "Never thought I was a bisexual, I just thought I was a legend." She's my favorite comedian of today (autistic too, just in case of the small chance you didn't know)

  • I agree with Spikey about sexuality being a spectrum, I'm on the 99% hetro end of the spectrum, it dosen't stop me seeing the beauty in women, but I don't want anything sexual with them. I can see the attraction of boobs, but other womens undercarriages just don't do anything for me.

    What others do with their sexuality dosent' bother me as long as its between consenting adults I don't see that it's anyone elses business.

  • I agree with Spikey about sexuality being a spectrum, I'm on the 99% hetro end of the spectrum, it dosen't stop me seeing the beauty in women, but I don't want anything sexual with them. I can see the attraction of boobs, but other womens undercarriages just don't do anything for me.

    What others do with their sexuality dosent' bother me as long as its between consenting adults I don't see that it's anyone elses business.

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