Scared, lonely and depressed

To this day I feel severely depressed and wonder what the point of anything is.

I'm not convinced anyone cares about anyone or anything.

  • Hello Roswell, I’m really sorry you are having such a difficult time at the moment. I can understand (from all you’ve written here) why you’re feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes it’s hard to see even a glimmer of light and hope at times like that. 
    over the past 2 and half years myself and my family have also been through some incredibly dark times, and at times I felt I wouldn’t get through, and my son (who is also autistic) has felt in a similarly desperate mental state at times. We’ve both sometimes lost all hope that we could ever feel ok again - let alone actually feel happy.

    Obviously we are all different, and every situation is different. But I just wanted to say to you that the saying ‘the darkest night comes just before the dawn’ is often true. Things CAN change, things CAN get better. 
    I notice that one of the replies to your post mentions Mindfulness. There are many books etc on Mindfulness - but what really helped me so much was learning about a Buddhist monk who is often described as  ‘the father of mindfulness’ - his name is Thich Nhat Hanh. He founded a Monastery called ‘Plum Village’ - and they have a YouTube channel full of talks and wonderful ideas and practices to help people develop a sense of peace and happiness. Lots of books too, a podcast etc - the Plum Village website has lots of information. 

    it might not be for you but I mention it because it has really turned things round majorly for me, and I know it’s helped so many people in myriad ways. I feel confident it couldn’t do any one any harm to listen to these kind, compassionate and intelligent people - it’s brought me so much hope, peace and it just so interesting to learn about. But as I say - it might not be your sort of thing at all - I quite understand that some people might not be interested in Buddhism at all - fair enough Slight smile

    Either way I just wanted to wish you well, and encourage you not to give up hope, because the only certain thing in life is that nothing lasts forever - and even if you do nothing something is likely to change at some point - and hopefully for the better. 

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