Scared, lonely and depressed

To this day I feel severely depressed and wonder what the point of anything is.

I'm not convinced anyone cares about anyone or anything.

  • Roswell,

    I just read all your posts to this post.  Whilst I can't solve the issue, I see that you are reaching out here which isn't the samaritans but another way of venting and getting it out.  In my mind, that's a good thing.  Someone mentioned mindfulness.  I'd say this is a good thing if you are using it to fully distract yourself and not turning your focus deeper internally to the distress you're feeling.  Do you have favourite things to use mindfulness with? E.G. An object to concentrate on (the colours, texture, temperature, weight? A scent to concentrate on all the elements - sharp, strong, soft, sweet, musky? Music - fast, slow, loud quiet?  I was taught when really distressed to use this technique until I can cope and come out of the anxiety a little bit.  5 things you can see, touch, taste, smell, hear not related to your distress.  I have feelings that people don't like me all the time but I have evidence that this is not true and I tell myself, do I like everyone all of the time? Nope but I always in my heart, love the people close to my despite surface difficulties.

    My only advice to you, myself and anyone else with extreme distress is to do the focus activity (5 things using your senses) and to reassure yourself that you have gotten this far and are dealing with it despite it being emotionally painful.

  • I will try that. Thank you!

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