Scared, lonely and depressed

To this day I feel severely depressed and wonder what the point of anything is.

I'm not convinced anyone cares about anyone or anything.

  • ***** has difficulties in all aspects of his daily life and experiences severe anxiety especially when
    dealing with people and places with other people in them e.g. ****** experiences severe
    anxiety about knocking on the office door and going in to speak to staff at his supported
    accommodation. ****** also experiences severe anxiety about walking through communal
    areas every time he comes and goes from his flat. Due to his Autism, ****** finds it
    extremely hard to go to places he has not previously visited without experiencing
    overwhelming anxiety, and he is unable to approach anybody to ask for help.
    Due to his Autism, ****** struggles to cope with any changes in his daily routine, this adds
    to his anxiety. ****** finds it difficult to engage with people without prior notice of the
    interaction. Even with prior notice ****** needs ongoing support of people trained in Autism
    to communicate effectively.
    Due to his Autism, ****** experiences high anxiety levels whenever he is interacting with
    others and also takes what is said to him very literally. The combination of ******'s high
    anxiety levels and taking things literally when interacting with others means that he has
    difficulty fully comprehending what people are saying to him, and ****** is unaware that he
    hasn't fully understood or has misunderstood. Consequently, ****** often agrees with what
    is being asked of him or said to him without realising the full meaning of what he is saying

  • ***** has difficulties in all aspects of his daily life and experiences severe anxiety especially when
    dealing with people and places with other people in them e.g. ****** experiences severe
    anxiety about knocking on the office door and going in to speak to staff at his supported
    accommodation. ****** also experiences severe anxiety about walking through communal
    areas every time he comes and goes from his flat. Due to his Autism, ****** finds it
    extremely hard to go to places he has not previously visited without experiencing
    overwhelming anxiety, and he is unable to approach anybody to ask for help.
    Due to his Autism, ****** struggles to cope with any changes in his daily routine, this adds
    to his anxiety. ****** finds it difficult to engage with people without prior notice of the
    interaction. Even with prior notice ****** needs ongoing support of people trained in Autism
    to communicate effectively.
    Due to his Autism, ****** experiences high anxiety levels whenever he is interacting with
    others and also takes what is said to him very literally. The combination of ******'s high
    anxiety levels and taking things literally when interacting with others means that he has
    difficulty fully comprehending what people are saying to him, and ****** is unaware that he
    hasn't fully understood or has misunderstood. Consequently, ****** often agrees with what
    is being asked of him or said to him without realising the full meaning of what he is saying

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