Scared, lonely and depressed

To this day I feel severely depressed and wonder what the point of anything is.

I'm not convinced anyone cares about anyone or anything.

  • Going about in public is a constant challenge for ***** for example ****** is not
    able to sit and face others when he uses public transport because facing people in an
    enclosed space causes ****** to have panic attacks. ****** cannot cope with the social
    interactions he experiences in a shop on his own. This is due to ******'s autism e.g.
    difficulty reading facial expressions and also due to his paranoia; in shops ****** feels that
    people are staring at him and hate him, this can often lead to ****** having a panic attack.'

  • Going about in public is a constant challenge for ***** for example ****** is not
    able to sit and face others when he uses public transport because facing people in an
    enclosed space causes ****** to have panic attacks. ****** cannot cope with the social
    interactions he experiences in a shop on his own. This is due to ******'s autism e.g.
    difficulty reading facial expressions and also due to his paranoia; in shops ****** feels that
    people are staring at him and hate him, this can often lead to ****** having a panic attack.'

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